



Talent concept

With talent achievement career, with the cause of talent achievement!

Talent is the center's first resource. Jincheng tuanchuan, collect the essence. Whether it is senior management personnel, or ordinary workers, management personnel, marketing personnel and ordinary scientific research workers who are fighting in the production, sales, scientific research and service line, with their industrious hands, give full play to their intelligence and talents, and constantly create the cause of the Center, are also the excellent talents for the continuous development of the Center. We hope that more people join the ranks of the cause of the center, more people pay attention to the development of the center!

The central view of seeking people

-- "Competencism" rather than "Credentialism"

Competent and responsible employees are excellent employees, competent but not responsible employees are unqualified employees.

Central view of man

-- "Suitable for post"

The post is suitable for its ability, the person gets its position. Choose the most suitable person for each position, and everyone can find the most suitable position in the center.

The concept of central education

-- "Character is built, ability is made"

Character is the prerequisite to measure talent. The deeper character cultivation is, the higher ability cultivation and play will be. In the human resource development work of the center, character and ability are valuable resources for enterprises.

Central View of Jin people

"Performance plus potential, character plus ability"

Outstanding performance is the basis for promotion, but the individual's potential for development relative to the future position is also necessary. No promotion without performance; No development potential, also can not be promoted, which is consistent with the center's "use people view". At the same time, character and ability are also necessary conditions for the promotion of talents.

The center keeps people watching

-- "Career retention, treatment retention, emotional retention"

Pay attention to the embodiment of personal value of employees. Let everyone work for the center at the same time, personal career achievements, material life greatly improved, create a big family with feelings, so that everyone at home under the warmth of the infection of mutual care, mutual support, improve together.


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Years of industry experience accumulation, professional focus on steel structure engineering

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